Be Fit,

Cardio & Fat loss, Where are We Going WRONG!

The Scientific evidence behind post-workout Cardiovascular Training. I am an individual who does combination workout sessions, combining a run and a gym session as a part of my daily regimen. So this intense workout is supposed to help me out with extra bulk and strength, right? Nope, it won’t necessarily! This workout will have reduced effects in terms of muscle gains and strength in general. This is due to a phenomenon called the interference effect.

Cardio and fat loss
Live Well,

Mindfulness: “Being Calm in the Chaos”

Has it ever happened to you that while you are presenting to a client/class and you start sweating out of nervousness? Or maybe you go to a room and suddenly forget why you came here in the first place or just forget what you were saying to a friend? If yes, how did it make you feel? Completely out of control or you thought all hell broke loose?

Superb Skin Secrets,

Let Your Locks Flutter In Summers Too!

Hot sunny mornings, and humid messy evenings along with all the dry, salty aroma, are the greatest ordeals for hair. It’s no surprise why oily scalp, split ends and lifeless hair are usual complaints. So, here are some necessary hacks to keep your hair healthy, when the mercury hits triple-digit readings.

let your locks flutter in summer
dos and donts in rainy season
Live Well,

Do’s And Don’ts During The Rainy Season

Rains are finally here to give us some relief from the scorching heat of the sun. But what brings happiness also brings along some sorrows. Rainy season not only brings a refreshing change to the weather, but also causes diseases due to the change in weather. Here are a few dos and don’ts you must follow during the rainy season to stay safe.

dvj deepak
Live Well,

The Art And Science Of Djing In The Words Of DVJ Deepak

The crowd is vibing to the high music, songs that are high demand by the millennial crowds, they are tapping their feet to the fast beats that the DJ is throwing at them, and all of a sudden, the music is changed, and that too to a slow one, not romantic, not sad, but rather to a 90’s odd music that actually no one can vibe too! Well, as a club-goer, how would you react? You were dancing your heart out, and this sudden drop, makes you scream at the DJ, that he/she has successfully killed your vibe.

Superb Skin Secrets,

Monsoons Never Fail To Bring Us Joy And Hair Problems!

Monsoon is here! Breezy showers and lush greenery all around surely refresh us and brings relief from the scorching summer heat. While most of us love rain, the increased level of humidity makes it difficult for our skin and hair. As the weather changes, you alter a few things in your skincare routine. Likewise, to take care of your hair during the monsoon, you need to change a few things too.

monsoon hair care


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