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Be Fit, Live Well,

Understanding PCOS and Its Common Myths!

What is PCOS? Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a medical condition that causes ovaries to produce an abnormal amount of androgens, male sex hormones that are usually present in minute quantities in women. It is a hormonal condition that affects women during what is known as the childbearing years. The name polycystic ovaries refers to the numerous cysts ( they are fluid-filled sacs) that form in the ovaries. All women suffering from PCOS do not develop cysts and women can form cysts without having PCOS.


Inspirational Quotes By The Women Leaders Of India

Every day is a great day to celebrate the incredible women in your life! But March 8, International Women’s Day gives you an extra reason to do just that. March 8, encourages everyone to actively celebrate women, womanhood, their achievements, raise awareness about women’s equality and gender parity, and so much more. This holiday first came in the early 1900s, when in 1908, women, “had begun agitating for greater equality and less oppressive working conditions with 15,000 women taking to the streets in New York City demanding shorter hours, better pay, and voting rights.”

Live Well,

Are Natural Products Safer Than Synthetic Chemicals In Your Skincare?

News, nowadays, is full of stories of chemicals in our food, cosmetics, medicines, our environment, and our bodies. We have all heard the phrase, “Avoid chemical or synthetic products as they are bad for us, instead opt for natural products”. Why people mostly choose natural products is because of the common belief that nature is pure and inherently superior to humans.

Be Fit,

7 Signs That Signal An Unhealthy Gut And Steps To Support It

When your gut is healthy, it influences everything from digestion, to the brain to your immunity. The gut is home to trillions of good and bad bacteria which stay in balance. These are the MICROBIOME. Poor diet is one of the biggest causes of gut issues. While the good bacteria thrive on fiber and plant foods, the bad bacteria and yeast love processed foods and sugar. Studies have shown that even in a short period of time undesirable changes take place in the gut.

Summer wardrobe essentials
Live Well,

10 Summer Wardrobe Essentials That You Need in 2021!

Throughout the quarantine and lockdown phase, most of us have traded our jeans and dresses for sweatpants and slippers. Let’s face it none of us know how long this phase will go on, but a closet full of reliable foundations of clothes makes it easier for us to maintain our new work-from-home-routine. This is the sole reason why the concept of ‘wardrobe essentials’ is so enduring.

Foods That Do Good,


Is sugar a dietary weakness for you? Many people crave it and have a sweet tooth, but even though you don’t, it is very hard to exclude sugar from our daily food intake! It is present in almost everything, from desserts, homemade preparations, festivity recipes, to almost every processed food item.

Live Well,

Thinking About Digital Detox? Things To Know Beforehand

These days most of you probably start your day by looking at your phone…scrolling through gloomy news about the coronavirus surge. The rest of your daily routine might be something like this: Divided among streaming movies on Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hulu, etc.. watching videos on YouTube and playing video games or working in front of your laptop/desktop. What is common in all these? All of these activities involve staring at a screen.

Live Well,

Enhance Your Fashion Sense With The Following Tips

Fashion sense is an important key to stand out everywhere you go, but most of the time it is difficult to decide what to wear and what not? If these are the problem you face every day then these amazing tips will help you to enhance your fashion style.

Superb Skin Secrets,

Is Skincare The New Makeup?

All around the globe, women are ditching their makeup and embracing their natural look. From dewy, moisturized faces on the catwalks, to celebrity’ barely-there selfies, women are going barefaced…So, if no makeup, then how to look flawless? Well, what if we tell you that skincare can be the new makeup!?

Superb Skin Secrets,

Can we use Rose Water for Hair?

We all are aware of the beautiful benefits of rose water for our skin, in enhancing our mood and relieving headaches. But can we use rose water for hair? The answer is definitely YES. “Roses are not only used in making your hair bun look beautiful but also to nourish your hair, leaving you with thick and shiny hair.” So how exactly does rose water benefits your hair?

Weight loss journey
Be Fit,

10 Mistakes People Make While On A Weight Loss Journey

Consuming healthy foods is a good move, but understand that these also contain calories and are nutrient-dense, which means that eating it in excess will eventually add on the weight which you are trying to lose with effort and difficulty. Eat in moderation and follow a regimen.

Be Fit,

Things That Make The Digital Fitness Experience Great

Digital fitness has uplifted the meaning of the home workout. If you are looking forward to exercising at home, owing to the global pandemic, there are a lot of great fitness apps that keep you active, some provide extra much-needed motivation, a community that cheers you up, online fitness challenges to keep your head in the game, a digital nudge to help you stay committed, access to live and personal training classes and much more…the options are limitless.


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