Be Fit,

Top Questions About Weight Loss Answered!

Losing weight can be a frustrating business as it is not possible in just a couple of days. You have to eat healthy, start exercising and then wait, and wait, and wait and, sometimes, wait some more. Sometimes you can see a little progress, and other times, the scale doesn’t seem to be moving at all. Sometimes, it takes months and sometimes years before you can actually start getting the body shape you desire. 

So if you are exercising well, watching your calorie intake and burnout, why isn’t the scale moving? There can be numerous such questions that pop in your mind when you start your weight loss journey. But with so much information on the internet, it can be a bit overwhelming to pick the correct ones. 

Here we will answer some of the burning questions about weight loss. 

Do cardio workouts give the best results?

Cardio is one of the most effective methods to lose weight. But the important thing to keep in mind is that cardio should never be done on an empty stomach. There was research proving that weight gain is minimal when cardio is practiced on an empty stomach, but it is most effective when the body has the energy to fuel it. There are several types of cardio workouts: walking, running, rope jumping, biking, etc. 

Does dieting actually work?

Weight loss

This is one of the most debatable questions for years. While there is no concrete prove if dieting actually works in weight loss or not, the best track to follow is a combination of diet and high resistance training. By this, you lose the extra fat but retain the muscle. 

How to lose kilos when you have limited time?

Sadly, weight loss cannot happen overnight. But if you are facing a time crunch and want to lose some weight in small time, the best moves to practice would be some high-intensity interval training (HIIT) and moderately brisk exercises which are proven to alter body composition in lesser time, example: jogging.

How much water should I drink to maximize weight loss?

It is true that drinking water can fill up your appetite, and stop you from eating more. It has also been proven to lose weight. As per an obesity study: 

Drinking 500 mL (2 cups) of water 30 minutes before each meal can be used to assist in weight loss. When combined with a hypocaloric diet, pre-meal water consumption leads to greater weight loss than a hypocaloric diet alone. The intervention can lead to:

  • an approximately 2 kg greater weight loss over 12 weeks
  • a 44% greater rate of weight loss


Is avoiding carbs at night helpful?

Weight loss

The golden rule to follow while on a weight loss journey is staying away from carbs, but truth be told, not all carbs are bad. “A recent Obesity study found out that people who changed their carbs and avoided eating it after 7 lost more weight than the ones who did not.” For example, eating certain carbs like jasmine rice can help you feel fuller for a longer time and also helps in maintaining your appetite. 

Is Sleep Important for Weight Loss?

Studies have shown that people who are skipping sleep are at higher risk to gain weight. When you are not getting an adequate amount of sleep, your body stops producing the hunger hormone (ghrelin). This results in increased appetite and a higher risk of weight gain. Also, if you are not getting enough sleep you also lose the energy required to carry out daily tasks, and to make up for that, you eat more than normal, leading to a disturbed weight gain pattern. So, getting a good night’s sleep is essential for losing weight.

How long before you start putting on weight again?

It is easy to lose weight if you are following a regular workout routine but the real deal is when you stop following it. If you can maintain the healthy routine for a year, your body gets used to the new normal, and alters the appetite accordingly, making it easier to stay in the shape you desire. 

Summing up

While, here we have answered top questions about shedding weight—and keeping it off, we might have missed out on a few. If you are on a weight loss journey, it is important to ask your nutritionist or dietician all sorts of questions before you embark on that journey. 


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